Peaceful world a myth?

Photo credits: Pinterest 

Lets assume, a world that has never experienced war. A world where everything is in abundance and no one has to fight for anything with anyone other then themselves to make a better tomorrow for oneself and their family. It looks more beautiful than a child’s first smile or an animals love and just like those things, we don’t find happiness in that world which doesn’t exist and can’t be sustained because of a few people. People who are considered powerful, power we assigned them with, power we can take away from them as well.

Knowing there is a state of war in my country or will be a state of war soon with our neighbour, I write this article with deep sorrow for the innocent lives that will be sacrificed in the name of patriotism. A persons life is worthy irrespective of their age, race or country. Saying that a person died at the age of 90+ had lived enough is rubbish. No one decides how long a person is suppose to live.

Religious beliefs are there to be followed and/or respected. Non of the religions in the world promote terrorism, and if told to you otherwise, they are lying to you. Respecting and following are two different things. Yes we are the largest democracy in the world, and the citizens of my nation will debate as to thats not practically true but it is. We have freedom of speech, the reason people post online that we don’t have that is because only the metropolitan cities are covered by the media and not the other parts (larger population). In other nations, people are convicted for false comments and acquisitions on anyone popular. Yes we have a section of the crowd that is illiterate and are afraid of those who inflict violence in order to gain power but that doesn’t mean my nation is not democratic.

Peace needs to be practiced and not posted or talked about. Peace can not be taught in schools and colleges nor can it be achieved in a days time but peace can be achieved by having compassion and sympathy along with acknowledging that not everyone in this world wants war.

A lesson of peace should have the following points covered in order to understand that power is temporary, agony is permanent:

  • Patience
  • Non-violence
  • Self-sustainance
  • Satisfaction
  • Freedom

No one can learn to be peaceful unless violence has been inflicted upon themselves or on their loved ones. Yet, peace can be practiced since birth in order to have the right up bringing. The notion that a humans violent side is natural and should be honoured is ridiculous. We need to preach honesty and dedication and not violence and power. Power for those who are demotivated is power for themselves and not against any other entity.

Be patient in your approach to things and you will find a way out that doesn’t harm anyone in this world. Inflicting violence upon someone starts a vicious chain of crimes which were not accounted for in the first act of causing pain.

Being able to live independently will lead to everyone being patient and no one will have the time to spread hate and terror.

Biggest motivator and reason to terror is not religion or difference between two nations, its money. Live in any country you want, no one will cause pain to you if you have the right way to live. Right way is the general way of living, working and enjoying life. If any of the three include hurting anyone, it means you are having a false lifestyle.

Peace is possible, difficult. War right now seems inevitable, easy. Lets take a new road and for once sacrifice time rather then life to achieve peace.

I am your art


Photo source: Pinterest

before there were talks of colours and glory
was a time, they told your stories
tales of your enchanting hands and fingers
worlds would war for them, even if they become sinners

in their daily rituals, birds would sing for your eyes
morning and night, the wolves would keep you right
even the rains would dance to the sound of your feet
and the stars light up every time they have your sight

i am not the only lover in the pool of fools,
i write for you, for i am the art, i see in you

Stars are jealous

shining through the night

she would define magic,

I could see her skin glow

at every sight

she would shatter the star’s life

just like magic


they would envy my arms

and be jealous of all the touches

even in the morning,

the stars would stay, just to see

the sun kisses


its an age old secret,

now realized

the stars only shoot

to die for her eyes


if there would be any more beautiful

it would be her child

for if there were no child

the world would be empty of stars in the sky

Her rights & fights

Standing by her wedding dress

In the pond of fear and stress

She ran to the nearest joint

Smoked away her melting point


Images of honor are fake!

In your tears honor is hate

Follow the honest sound you hear

Those sounds don’t have fears of here


Decide the fate of tomorrow, if not,

Guilt your conscience till you borrow

The sight of light given in cash,

You only smoke the burning stash


I wonder if it were real,

I would be an addict without fear,

Make the right path if it’s surreal,

Live for honor, its is only real

End it all or Live with all!

Consistency is something we all thrive for, yet we act stubborn and constantly hope for change at regular intervals. A happy life is still a myth for those who can not live with the fact that their lives can be better but do not possess the will to change it. The reason behind their will to be stubborn is their ego or fear of failure. According to me, its religion.

There is a fine line between following a religion and being a puppet of religious gurus around the globe. In my country, India, people thrive under the influence of the lords, or so they would think but the fact is, they always have the ability to do well but need a push. Religion in such matters is a good thing as it acts as a placebo for those who think they are incapable of success without the lords help. Those who do not succeed also think that the lords are being partial towards the ones who are successful. The failures consider the successful “lucky”. The matter of hard work and passion for work is forgotten in these matters. This is where religious wars come into play. When a Hindu is preferred over a Muslim, The Muslims feel they have been cheated (well they aren’t wrong). These acts do not allow secularism to exist in the hearts of the “unlucky” ones.

How do we wipe out the injustice being caused in the world? As even a child born in the 2000’s ridicules another child by using the means of religion just because he is more capable of achieving greater heights in the world.


There doesn’t seem to be any rational reason in the world that could prove that by killing all religion we would seize to exist. In fact, we would have a chance to start up fresh. We would have something new to teach in the school. Sciences wouldn’t be compared to religious beliefs. The way a person can be pure would be only through acts of care and kindness and not by praying to some lords and hiring a photographer at the same time to post the pictures for people to like. Religion is probably the largest market in the world currently or one of the largest. People are pay billions in order to keep the gods happy, although the gods are filthy rich, humans think that even the lord would be greedy for more like they are. In case no one gets the idea of one religion existing in this world, give them time as no religious notion compels us to kill for progress or die for justice. Why have people stopped their fight against religious gurus who encourage non-violence and hatred for the other religion? According to me, there is an apocalypse but that is not something that the lords would do, human would. We will die and destroy the total existence of humanity in this world and that’s when we will seize to exist. Stop fighting religious wars. We have enough headaches with rapists, murderers, thieves and frauds in this world. Don’t associate any religion to terrorism as there is no religion that can be associated with peace. We need to change our ways of life. Save trees and animals. We need to work with each other and not against each other. Ridicule those who hit women or children but again don’t judge their religion or don’t judge them on their religion as this will only encourage everyone to promote hatred towards that perticular community of people. We need to learn to identify the real threats to humans in this world, HUMANS.

Your Side

Woods are weaker,
They have been crying
Mountains are shorter
They must be dying

Beautiful colors are rare
Justice is never fair
Love is only fate
Solitude is never great

Distance a number
Honestly it’s not a blunder
Heart of power is unusual
Heart of panic is quite usual

Thunder and storm don’t matter
When hunger and thorns don’t matter
Kiss of your sight is my pleasure
I want to keep you, my treasure

Eyes are weaker
Sleep is sleeker
Heart does cry for your presence
I am here vanishing in your absence

Make no try I will pamper
Take you where you are denser
Call my name I’m at first sight
Open your eyes I am right aside

Maps are shorter
Roads are wider
In your wait,
I do feel lighter

Feed me with your loving sight
I need no more than a brief delight
Wonders of the world aside
Please make my world on your side.